LYC Blog #15: From choral music to 90s rock
Published 12 December 2024
LYC member Phoenix writes about trying new things and what their very different musical experiences have meant to them
When I was younger, I couldn’t sing in front of anyone. I found it embarrassing and couldn’t bear the possibility of criticism. But fast forward to now, and I have auditioned for a choir with complete strangers and play in a band with people I only met a few months ago.
These decisions are actually some of the best in my life so far; being in a band and a choir has been very rewarding. Being in a band (which unfortunately still has no name) has been very much out of my comfort zone – attempting bass guitar, a whole new instrument for me, and shouting rock songs, not the acoustic quiet songs I was used to singing. But finally, my love for 90s rock has come to life right in front of me, playing ‘Song 2’ by Blur with new friends. With one of the band members, I went to a rock concert by beabadoobee. Even she, a massive star with millions of monthly listeners, just started writing songs on her own at home with a guitar.
But the most beautiful part of enjoying music is experiencing it together. Jumping up and down and screaming songs I know every word to with other fanatic fans is amazing; in that moment there’s only the lights, the music, and the bass making your heart race.
Something that I also really enjoy is the London Youth Choir – singing with voices that I enjoy the sound of is amazing, especially the tenors and basses who are a newer sound to me, as I’ve only sung in choirs in primary and a girls’ school until now. Meeting new people has also been super interesting. Looking towards the future, I am ecstatic about studying a Music degree, and I can’t wait for where the next path will lead.