We have 10 choirs for different age groups, voices and abilities, and are open to children and young people from school year 3 up to 22 years old who live in or are educated in London.

Next Auditions

Audition registration is now closed. The next round of auditions is in July 2025.

If you click the "sign up to our mailing list" button below you will be sent an email when audition sign ups open again.

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Which LYC choir is for me?

We have six choirs for young people in school years 3-6:


  • LYC Junior Boys – rehearses Mondays, 4.45-5.55pm in central London
  • LYC Junior Girls – rehearses Mondays, 4.45-5.55pm in central London
  • LYC South West – rehearses Wednesdays, 4.30-5.30pm in Streatham
  • LYC North East – rehearses Thursdays, 4.30-5.30pm in Tottenham
  • LYC South East – rehearses Thursdays, 4.30-5.30pm in Bermondsey
  • LYC West – rehearses Thursdays, 4.30-5.30pm in Ealing

We have two choirs for young people in school years 7-11: LYC Cambiata Boys and LYC Cambiata Girls. They both rehearse on Mondays from 6.15-7.25pm in central London.

Young people in Year 11 up to age 23 can be in London Youth Choir. They rehearse on Mondays from 7.30-8.45pm in central London.

Young people in Year 12 up to age 23 can be in LYC Chamber Choir. They rehearse on Mondays from 6.00-7.15pm in central London. Members of LYC Chamber Choir must also be members of London Youth Choir.

You can be in LYC until the end of the academic year in which you turn 23. 

What else should I know about joining LYC?


You can be in London Youth Choirs from school year 3 until the end of the academic year in which you turn 23.

You don’t need to have any previous experience of singing in choirs or groups. If you do sing already, it doesn’t matter what style you like to sing: there’s no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ singer for a choir and we sing all sorts of music.

To join LYC you first need to audition. That might sound scary but we make a big effort to ensure that the experience is friendly and supportive. We won’t try to catch you out, we want to see and hear you at your best.

Auditions for junior choirs will be held in groups, and auditions for Cambiata choirs, LYC Chamber Choir and London Youth Choir will be individual auditions.

Information about when our next auditions are can be found at the top or bottom of this page.

As a member of LYC you will meet once a week during term-time for rehearsal. Rehearsals are always at the same time in the same place (these vary depending on which choir you audition for). At rehearsals you’ll learn and practice songs and skills, developing abilities and confidence as you go. Sometimes, we invite guest leaders to introduce different music and activities.

You will also get to take part in social activities and make new friends.

Other LYC membership benefits include your LYC t-shirt, all your music and access to our secure online members zone, MyLYC.

All auditions are free.


Annual membership starts at £430 (£36 a
month). Membership fees go towards covering the cost of running the choirs. As a charity, LYC subsidises membership fees by around 60% of the true cost of membership through grants and fundraising.

LYC also has a comprehensive financial assistance scheme which offers full or partial help with membership costs, grants for travel to and from rehearsals and concerts, free concert tickets for families, and help with the cost of concert uniform. In 2023-24, we gave financial support to 30% of our membership.

There is so much to get out of being a member of LYC: vocal and musical skills and training, experience of concerts, recordings, music videos and amazing venues as well as life long friendships. Here is what some of our members have said about their experiences:

“It means a lot to me to join LYC and to be singing for thousands of people every year. I have fun every week at the rehearsals. I like seeing everyone and I love rehearsing for concerts, and to meet new faces and chat.” – current member

“Singing in LYC has been a pivotal experience in my development as a musician. As a young singer, LYC equipped me with the musicianship skills, versatility and confidence to go after my dream of becoming a professional singer. The friendships and connections I made with colleagues and mentors have been essential to my growth and I will always cherish the memories of our rehearsals and performances.” – former member

“Everyone has been very nice and welcoming. It’s the first choir I’ve been in and it’s a lot of fun. Loads of cool opportunities, and everyone is so kind and open to talk with” – current member

“LYC has given me back confidence I never knew I needed. It has introduced me to the best people I have ever met and taught me that its okay to be a choral music nerd. I look forward to every rehearsal all week and feel such a sense of belonging like I’ve never felt before. Everyone is so warm and welcoming and you feel like you can talk to everyone. The staff is incredible and are the best people.” – former member

How do auditions work?


LYC auditions are relaxed, informal and fun! We just want to get to know you and your voice, and find out what singing and music mean to you.

What happens in an audition: Junior choirs (School Years 3-6)

You will join a small group singing workshop with a member of our music team. You won’t need to prepare anything in advance. You will be introduced to some simple songs, learn it together with the other singers in the group, and then demonstrate phrases in the group and on your own. The workshop will be fun and you can expect to get a taste for what actual LYC rehearsals are like. The audition will be just like a rehearsal, and will last one hour.

What happens in an audition: Cambiata Choirs, London Youth Choir & LYC Chamber Choir (Year 7 to age 22)

You will have an individual audition with a member of the music team and staff team, and will also take part in a rehearsal.

For the audition, you should prepare and bring along a song that you love to sing – it can be any genre or style, and doesn’t need to be longer than a minute. You can sing it a cappella (unaccompanied) or with an accompaniment or backing track (if you would like to organise that).

After you have sung your song we will have a little chat about what it means and why you have chosen it. We might ask you what singing you do, and what your musical aspirations are. We may also include some musical skills challenges, but don’t panic as these will be appropriate to your level of experience. Your audition should take up to 10 minutes. You will also participate in a rehearsal, which will last just over an hour.

How can I sign up for an audition?


Check below for the next auditions and sign-up links. If no audition dates are given, you can join our mailing list or follow us on social media to find out when the next auditions will be.

Next Auditions

Audition registration is now closed. The next round of auditions is in July 2025.

If you click the "sign up to our mailing list" button below you will be sent an email when audition sign ups open again.

Sign Up to our Mailing List

Frequently asked questions

What if I fall between age groups for choirs?

Choir allocation will be at the discretion of the musical director. For example, you may be placed in one of the Cambiata Choirs rather than London Youth Choir if it is felt that you have good potential but may not yet be ready for the challenge of the next choir.

What if I'm a boy whose voice is changing?
We have a special choir just for you, LYC Cambiata Boys. You are very welcome to apply. At audition you will be listened to by a specialist. Boys with changing voices are assessed on a case-by-case basis. We will carefully nurture you through this process and place you in the appropriate voice part.
What if I'm between schools this summer?

Put in the details of your new school.

What if I am non-binary?

LYC is for all young Londoners, regardless of gender. If you are unsure which choir to audition for, please get in touch at [email protected] or 07388 623 178, and we’ll be very happy to support you to find which choir is right for you.

If I get in will I have to audition again to keep my place?
We like to keep up with how our members are progressing vocally. You may be asked to sing on your own from time to time, so that our vocal coaches can give you input. You will also have to audition each time you move up to the next choir. Chamber Choir members are required to re-audition annually.
Are the rehearsal venues accessible for me?

Everyone is welcome in our choirs, regardless of disability. We want you to feel as safe, comfortable and confident as possible during weekly rehearsals, and we will work with you to put any adjustments in place.

For information about our five rehearsal venues, please read our Rehearsal Venue Accessibility Guide.

I live just outside London, can I still audition?

You can still audition, however, priority for membership in London Youth Choirs is for those living or educated within London (Boroughs covered by the Greater London Authority and the City of London).

I'm worried about travelling to rehearsals and my family would find it tricky to commit, what should i do?

We will do our best to help you find ways of sharing travel arrangements with other LYC members in your area. We also have some funding available to assist with travel costs, if needed. If you are offered a place, just get in touch so that we can help you as much as possible.

Get in touch

If you’ve got questions about joining LYC and can’t find answers on this page then please send us an email and we’ll be happy to help.


[email protected]

+44 (0) 7388 623178